Linux Tutorial Learning Linux Made Easy – Become an Expert

If your Looking for an Linux Tutorial, start learning from scratch you are in correct place. This Page is the central linking to learn/navigate to required articles. That’s why i say One Linux Tutorial Illiterate Become An Expert At Weeks Time. Are you ready to rock..!!

RHEL 5/6 Tutorial Step by step Guide PDF Download this guide for older versions

Linux Tutorial

Basically what you should learn to survive in current industry from Linux prospective is very simple. Understand What is Linux Operating System, How Linux works, Basic Linux commands to create, delete, move files and directories. Directory structure (File System Hierarchy). Linux Operating System Installation using CD/DVD and also from Network Installation (Kickstart / PXE Boot). A Few Text Editors to Create/Edit/Modify Configuration Files.

Linux Tutorial to Administer users  Create / Modify and Remove Users and Groups. File Linking what is soft link and hard link. Process Management (How process is running and managing them). Understanding of System Utilization and analyzing performance using top command. Locating / Searching Files and Directories. Copying Files from One server to another server using scp command. Scheduling future tasks (Automatic execution of scripts). Create File Systems, Mounting them, increasing/decreasing based on requirement.

LVM (Logical Volume Manager), Installing, Updating, Removing and Upgrading Red Hat Packages (RPM), Configuring IPv4 Networking assigning IP Address, Network Teaming/Bonding Disk Management quota’s, Finally A few Servers Like NFS, SMB (Samba), FTP, Web Server (HTTP / HTTPS), iSCSI Server, MariaDB Or MySQL, SysLog Server, NTP Server, DHCP and DNS.

When you see all of the above so many things..!!! but eventually you feel like so easy just follow all below provide links one by one Linux tutorial.

Linux Download and Learn Linux

  • One Computer/Laptop with at least 6GB RAM, Dual Core Processor, 250GB HDD and VT (Virtualization Technology) Enabled
  • VMware Workstation Or Oracle virtual Box Software
  • Download RHEL ISO
  • Intention to Learn / Spending time

Now Your Almost ready with required things follow below topics one by one Linux tutorial

Linux Commands

 Introduction To Linux Operating System

 ls Command with 25 Practical Examples

 Installing Linux Operating System Step by Step Guide (RHEL 7.3)

 Installing and Configuring IPA Server for Linux Lab Setup at Home

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Creating and Managing Files & Directories From CLI

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial 25 Linux Basic Commands you must Learn

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Get Help From Command Line Interface ( Whatis, Whereis, Man, Help, Info and –help )

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Edit, View Text Files Using Nano Text Editor

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Linux Directory Structure (File System Hierarchy)

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial User Administration Create, Modify and Remove Users and Groups

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Controlling Services and Daemons Systemctl

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial IPv4 Linux Networking 

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial SSH Server Installation in RHEL 7 / Centos 7

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Listing and Managing Linux Processes

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Prioritize Process Execution

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Syslog Server and Client configuration

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Archiving and Compressing Files Using tar and zip Commands

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Copying Files and Directories from One Server to Another Server

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Local YUM Server Configuration RHEL 7

Linux Tutorial Illiterate Become An Expert

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Configuring Centralized YUM Repository Using FTP / HTTP

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial FTP Server Installation and Configuration VSFTPD

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Searching files and directories using find command

Linux File System

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Managing of physical storage – Creating Standard Partitions

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Creating and Managing LVM’s – Logical Volume Manager

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial How to Reduce LVM EXT4 and EXT3 File System

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial ACL – Access Control List in RHEL 7

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Scheduling of future Linux tasks using at and Crontab

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Deep Dive into Crontab in Linux

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial SELinux Overview

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial NFS Server and Client in RHEL 7

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Firewalld / Iptables – configuring and managing rules

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Securing the NFS using kerberos 

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Adding server as LDAP client

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Samba Server Installation and Configuration Step by Step Guide

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Samba Multi-user Access Shares

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Using Virtualized systems – Kernel-Based Virtual Machines

Major Part Linux Tutorial You have Completed by Reading Above Content Just Few Steps to Complete Linux Tutorial You will become an Expert. Linux Server is the most powerful, then think how you should be to manage powerful Linux Server.

Continue One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial  One Linux Tutorial

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Automated OS installation – Using PXE Boot Server

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial OS Installation Through Auto Answer File

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Linux booting process Ultimate Guide

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Recovering forgotten root password Method-1

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Reset forgotten root password method-2 

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial  MariaDB Installation and Configuration

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Using regular expressions with grep command

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial DHCP Server Configuration RHEL 7

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial MAC Address Reservation – MAC Binding DHCP

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Master DNS server RHEL 7

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Web / Httpd/ Apache Server RHEL 7

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Making secure web server (https) SSL enabled web server

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Time synchronizing using NTP server and client

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Perform simple SQL queries against a database

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial iSCSI Server to Convert Linux Machine Like SAN Storage

One Linux Tutotial RHEL 7 Tutorial Use network teaming or bonding to configure aggregated network links


Take decent time but don’t miss even single article reading from above links, If you read all one by one you will definitely become an expert. From my experiences i am saying Don’t simply read do practice until your confident on the topic if not understanding drop an comment using comment section. 

That’s it Linux Tutorial