AIX Commands Most Commonly used production environments
AIX is IBM propitiatory operating system which only run’s on IBM based hardware’s and Power...
- Learners Guide.
AIX is a IBM preparatory OS
AIX is IBM propitiatory operating system which only run’s on IBM based hardware’s and Power...
AIX commands with examples To list the default group for current user: few aix commands...
AIX / Centos / Fedora / Linux / rhel56 / RHEL7
by Ankam Ravi Kumar · Published December 21, 2015 · Last modified October 19, 2016
bc command 10 practical examples Most of times for arithmetic operations we use expr command...
AIX / Fedora / Linux / Redhat Linux / rhel56
by Ankam Ravi Kumar · Published October 28, 2015 · Last modified November 3, 2015
The specialty in Linux is that everything is a file. Here I am going to...
AIX / Centos / Fedora / Linux / Redhat Linux / rhel56
by Ankam Ravi Kumar · Published October 28, 2015
multitail command Most of the times if you want to tail an multiple log...