Could Not Complete Giveback Because of Non-CA Locks on Volume – Netapp

I came across this error (Could Not Complete Giveback Because of Non-Ca Locks on Volume) during a failover and give back on a HA pair. Performing the manual failover was fine and all aggregates failed over correctly, however on the fail back the root volumes were successful but some SFO aggregates contained an error.

Error: Could Not Complete Giveback Because of Non-CA Locks on Volume

First up I saw the basic error during a giveback using the command:

ArkClus::> storage failover show

I then went to look into the logs by typing:

ArkClus::> log show (the newest logs are always at the top of the list)

These are the exact messages from the log:

5/28/2015 21:47:21  NODE1        ERROR         sfo.giveback.failed: Giveback of aggregate aggr1 failed due to Giveback was vetoed..
5/28/2015 21:47:21  NODE1        ERROR         sfo.sendhome.subsystemAbort: The giveback operation of ‘aggr1’ was aborted by ‘lock_manager’.
5/28/2015 21:47:21  NODE1        ERROR Could not complete giveback because of non-CA locks on volume volume1@vserver:2345673-5898-11e3-83fb-123478563412.

The volume named volume1 appeared to have a locked cifs session and was preventing the aggregate to failback.

Non-CA Locks on Volume Fix

There are 3 options to fix this:

  • Wait and then try to perform the give back again
  • Disable cifs on the vserver to remove the lock
  • Use the option -override-vetoes true. Take not that using this option might drop the cifs sessions momentarily until the aggregate has failed back.

The full command would be

ArkClus::> failover giveback -ofnode node1 -orverride-vetoes true

Monitor the giveback with the command

ArkClus::> storage failover giveback

Once the failback is successful, lastly check that the cluster ring is all in sync

ArkClus::> set diag

ArkClus::*> cluster ring show

Please provide your valuable comments….

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Thanks for your wonderful Support and Encouragement

Ankam Ravi Kumar

Working as Linux / Storage Administrator L3. Interested in sharing the knowledge.

2 Responses

  1. Sourav says:

    Hello Arkit,

    Can you please post about metro cluster & some real environment troubleshooting scenarios.


  2. Deepu says:

    Hi sir,

    1.Please provide us steps for ontap upgrade of cmode.
    2. Metro cluster implementation steps.


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