Clustered Data ONTAP
Clustered Data ONTAP is enterprise-capable, unified scale-out storage. It is the basis for virtualized,shared storage infrastructures. Clustered ONTAP is architected for nondisruptive operations, storage and operational efficiency, and scalability over the lifetime of the system.An ONTAP cluster typically consists of fabric-attached storage (FAS)controllers:computers optimized to run the clustered Data ONTAP operating system. The controllers provide network ports that clients and hosts use to access storage. These controllers are also connected to each other using a dedicated, redundant 10 gigabit ethernet interconnect.The interconnect allows the controllers to act as a single cluster. Data is stored on shelves attached to the controllers. The drive bays in these shelves may contain hard disks, flash media, or both.
A cluster provides hardware resources, but clients and hosts access storage in clustered ONTAP throughstorage virtual machines (SVMs). SVMsexist natively inside of clustered ONTAP. Theydefine the storage available to the clients and hosts. SVMs define authentication, network access to the storagein the form of logical interfaces (LIFs), and the storage itself, in the form of SAN LUNs or NAS volumes.Clients and hosts are aware of SVMs, but may be unaware of the underlying cluster.The cluster provides the physical resources the SVMs need in order to serve data. The clients and hosts connect to an SVM, rather than to a physical storage array.
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