How to Delete SnapMirror Busy Snapshot NetApp | Arkit

Problem:  Unable to delete SnapMirror busy snapshot and unable to delete the volume due to busy snapshot.  Destination NetApp filer is decommission, there is no possibility to release the SnapMirror relationship.

Error Message

Data ONTAP API Failed :Volume "Volume1" in Vserver "CIFS_SVM" is the source endpoint of one or more SnapMirror relationships. Before you delete the volume, you must release the source information of the SnapMirror relationships using "snapmirror release". To display the destinations to be used in the "snapmirror release" commands, use the "snapmirror list-destinations -source-vserver CIFS_SVM -source-volume Volume1" command.

How to Delete SnapMirror Busy Snapshot NetApp

Trying to delete the snapshot forcefully by ignoring the owners

set -privilege advanced
volume snapshot delete -vserver CIFS_SVM -volume CIFS_Volume1 -snapshot snapmirror.5b95dc59-6c3c-11e9-a032-00a09868d803_2154624433.2021-05-14_210500 -force true -ignore-owners true
ARKIT-NA::*> volume delete -vserver CIFS_SVM -volume CIFS_Volume1 -foreground true -force true

Error: command failed: Volume "CIFS_Volume1" in Vserver "CIFS_SVM" is the source endpoint of one or more SnapMirror relationships. Before you delete the
volume, you must release the source information of the SnapMirror relationships using "snapmirror release". To display the destinations to be used in the
"snapmirror release" commands, use the "snapmirror list-destinations -source-vserver CIFS_SVM -source-volume CIFS_Volume1" command.

Release the SnapMirror relationship manually using below method

ARKIT-NA::*> snapmirror list-destinations -source-vserver CIFS_SVM -source-volume CIFS_Volume1
Source Destination Transfer Last Relationship
Path Type Path Status Progress Updated Id
----------- ----- ------------ ------- --------- ------------ ---------------
CIFS_SVM:CIFS_Volume1 XDP CIFS_SVMT:CIFS_Volume1_dst - - - c2373ea6-b531-11eb-9a83-00a09868eb27

Release using ID

ARKIT-NA::*> snapmirror release -source-path CIFS_SVM:CIFS_Volume1 -force true -relationship-id c2373ea6-b531-11eb-9a83-00a09868eb27 -destination-path CIFS_SVMT:CIFS_Volume1_dst
[Job 187275] Job is queued: snapmirror release for destination "CIFS_SVMT:CIFS_Volume1_dst".
Warning: Snapshot copies on source volume "CIFS_SVM:CIFS_Volume1" generated by SnapMirror for the purpose of mirroring to destination volume
"CIFS_SVMT:CIFS_Volume1_dst" will be deleted. Once these Snapshot copies are deleted, it will likely not be possible to re-establish a mirroring
relationship between these two volumes.
[Job 187275] Job succeeded: SnapMirror Release Succeeded

Now check SnapMirror released and busy snapshot has been deleted.

ARKIT-NA::*> volume delete -vserver CIFS_SVM -volume CIFS_Volume1 -foreground true -force true

That’s it.

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Ravi Kumar Ankam

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