Gather server information within a second
Gather server information within a second. If we have lot many servers and we would like to collect the asset inventory of each and every server then it is very difficult to run various commands we have to run in order to collect / gather entire information about each server. If we manually run all the commands in each server it may require 5 minutes of time for each server where using below script which may reduce your time to 2 minutes for 100 Servers wow..!!.
Gather server information within a second
Lets see how we can achieve this task using shell script.
Note: We do not recommend to run this script in any production servers, we strictly suggest you to run this in test or home environment only. This script will come either no WARRANTY with NO support.
Create a file called
# touch
copy the below code to above created file
#!/bin/bash ## Purpose: Collecting system Information Gather server information within a second ## Author Name: Ankam Ravi Kumar ## Date: 25th Apr 2016 ## Website: DOMAIN=domain TEMP=/tmp/temp FILE=/tmp/asset/info.txt USERID=`id -g` if [ $USERID == 0 ]; then echo "Script is Running ..." else echo "Please run the script using root user" exit fi mkdir /tmp/asset touch /tmp/temp touch /tmp/asset/info.txt echo -e "\n" > $FILE echo "Collecting System Information" >> $FILE echo -e "\n" >> $FILE echo "collecting information...." echo "Date: `date`" >> $FILE echo "HostName: `hostname`" >> $FILE echo "Installed OS Version: `cat /etc/issue |head -1`" >> $FILE echo "`/sbin/ifconfig -a |grep "inet addr" | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" } ; { print $2 }'`" > $TEMP echo "IP Address : `egrep '^10' $TEMP |awk '{ print $1}'`" >> $FILE ## Identifying Hardware Platform ## HF=`uname -i` if [ $HF == i386 ]; then echo "Hardware Platform: 32Bit" >> $FILE else if [ $HF == x86_64 ]; then echo "Hardware Platform: 64Bit" >> $FILE else echo "Hardware Not Matched" >> $FILE fi fi ## Colleting Hardware Details ## echo " " >> $FILE echo "## Hardware Information" >> $FILE echo " " >> $FILE echo "Serial Number : `lshal |grep system.hardware.serial`" >> $FILE echo "Serial Number : `/usr/sbin/dmidecode -s system-serial-number`" >> $FILE echo "Model Number : `lshal |grep system.hardware.product`" >> $FILE echo "Model Number : `/usr/sbin/dmidecode |grep "SKU Number"`" >> $FILE echo "Hardware Vendor : `lshal |grep system.hardware.vendor`" >> $FILE echo "Hardware Info : `dmesg |grep DMI`" >> $FILE ## Redhat Version ## echo " " >> $FILE echo "## OS Version" >> $FILE head -n1 /etc/issue >> $FILE echo -en '\n' >> $FILE uname -a >> $FILE ## CPU Info ## echo " " >> $FILE echo " " >> $FILE echo "## CPU Information" >> $FILE grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo >> $FILE ## RAM/MEMORY Info ## echo " " >> $FILE echo " " >> $FILE echo "## Memory Information" >> $FILE grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo >> $FILE y=`grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo |awk '{ print $2 }'` mb="$(( $y / 1024 ))" gb="$(( $mb / 1024 ))" echo "RAM : $gb GB" >> $FILE ## Verify the machine is using NIS ## echo -e '\n' >> $FILE cat /etc/yp.conf |grep $DOMAIN > /tmp/yptemp.txt count=`cat /tmp/yptemp.txt | wc -l` if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then echo "`hostname` is part of NIS Domain" >> $FILE cat /etc/yp.conf |grep finnis >> $FILE else echo "`hostname` is not part of NIS" >> $FILE fi echo -e '\n' >> $FILE cat /etc/yp.conf |grep domain >> $FILE echo -e '\n' >> $FILE echo "Hard Disk Info" >> $FILE fdisk -l 2>&1 | grep Disk | grep -v "identifier" | grep -v "valid partition" | awk '{print $2,$3,$4}' >> $FILE echo -e '\n' >> $FILE echo "Running Services" >> $FILE service --status-all |grep running. |awk '{ print $1,$5}' >> $FILE /bin/mail -s "Linux Asset Inventory `hostname`" $MAILIST < $FILE
run the shell script file using below command
# sh
if you would like to run the same an multiple servers we have to create password less authentication first See Guide Here
then use below to run in multiple server
Write list of server in one file example say /tmp/hostlist.txt
Collect Multiple Servers Information
now create script file and execute
Copy below code to above created file
#!/bin/bash ## Date: 25th April 2016 ## Purpose: Collecting Multiple Servers information yet a time Gather server information within a second ## Author: Ankam Ravi Kumar ## WebSite: if [ "$#" = 0 ]; then echo "Usage: sh file" else if [ -f "$1" ]; then for i in `cat $1`; do scp root@$i:/root/; done for i in `cat $1`; do ssh root@$i sh /root/; done else echo "$1 not found" fi fi
Now execute file using below command Gather server information within a second
# sh
That’s It you will receive an number of Emails to your mail box. Enjoy..!!
If this script is useful to you then please do comment your feedback.
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