Steps to Setup Cluster Mode Netapp
Steps to Setup Cluster Mode Netapp
Step 1: Hardware setup
Steps to Setup Cluster Mode Netapp First step is to unpack your package (Hardware Parts). Netapp hardware package will come all parts are individually.
Separate all the hardware parts and select the position of Racking space from Netapp rack. Then attach the racking kit to the rack and load the chassis.
After Loading the Netapp controllers then attach the disks to it.
- Connect controllers to disk shelves (FC/SAS/INFINI BAND connectivity)
- NVRAM interconnect to high availability cable between partners (10GbE or INFNI Band)
- Connect controllers to network such that each node have exactly two connections to the dedicated cluster network, at least one data connection. Also the well known RLM/BMC/SP connection for troubleshooting purpose.
- Connect interconnect switch (most of the cases Cisco MDS) and attach all the cables to provide redundant connection.
Note: Cluster connections must be on a network with dedicated cluster traffic, where as data and management connections are on a distinct network.
Step 2:Power-up
- Power on network switches and SAN Switches
- Power on disk shelves and wait for 2minutes
- Power on storage controller
Step 3: Firmware
- During boot process press any key to enter the firmware
- Two compact flash images: flash0a and flash0b are available. To ‘flash’ (put) a new image on primary flash one needs to configure management interface.
Note: For auto option of ifconfig, DHCP or BOOTP server must be available on management network. If it doesn’t one must run below command
C::Mode>ifconfig <interface> addr=<ip> mask=<netmask> gw=<gateway>
Step4 :Installing ONTAP 8.1
- Run option 7 to install new software first
- Enter a URL to ONTAP 8.1 tgz image
- Allow the system to boot when complete
Note: One can type boot_primary if node stops at firmware prompt
Step5 :Initialize a Node
First time booting it will ask you to press CTRL+C to enter into the boot menu.
For the First time we have to format all the disks and rebuild as fresh one.
It will reboot the Netapp controller and it will start as fresh
- Run option 4
- This initialization clears the three disks that the system uses for the first aggr that it creates and a vol0 root volume on it
- This must be run on both nodes of each HA pair
Step6 :Cluster setup wizard
Steps to Setup Cluster Mode Netapp
After completion of initialization of Netapp ONTAP it will ask you “do you want to create Cluster / Join the Cluster”
For first node you have to say “create” cluster
- The first node creates the cluster
- The following information is required for the setup:
-Cluster name
-Cluster network ports and MTU size
-Cluster base license key
-Cluster management port, IP address, netmask, and default gateway
-Node management port, IP adress, netmask, and default gateway
-DNS domain name
-IP address of DNS server
- Subsequent nodes join the cluster
While booting itself it will ask you enter the Cluster License. You have to enter the Cluster License.
Step7 :Normal boot sequence
- Firmware loads the kernel from CF
- Kernel mounts “/” root image from rootfs.img on CF
- Init is loaded and startup scripts run
- NVRAM kernel modules gets loaded
- Tmgwd is started
- D-blade, N-balde and other components are loaded
- vol0 root volume is mounted from local D-blade
- CLI and element manager are ready for use
Step8 :Create a cluster after login to the clustershell
CMode::>cluster create -license <name> -clustername <clustername> -mgmt-port <port> -mgmt-ip <mgmtip> -mgmt-netmask <mgmtnetmask> -mgmt-gateway <magmtgateway> -ipaddr1 <clusterip1> -ipaddr2 <clusterip2> -netmask <clusternetmask> -mtu 9000
Step9 :Join a Node to existing Cluster
Run this command from the node that wants to join the cluster
CMode::>cluster join -clusteripaddr <remoteclusterip> -ipaddr <clusterip1> -ipaddr2 <clusterip2> -netmask <clusternetmask> -mtu 9000
Step10 :Add all required Licenses
Below are few licenses we have to add
- Base
- SnapMirror_DP
- SnapRestore
- Flexclone
Note: One can add licenses in the cluster shell; system license add
Step11: NTP
- NTP is disabled by default and needs manual set up of date, time and time zone
CMode::>system date modify
- Verify and monitor
CMode::> system services ntp config show CMode::> system services ntp server show
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Steps to Setup Cluster Mode Netapp Steps to Setup Cluster Mode Netapp Steps to Setup Cluster Mode Netapp
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