Shell Scripting In Unix /Linux Training Institute in Hyderabad, Most of the Linux / Unix Administrator work like awesome to achieve assigned goals. They have a more capability to do more and more but all of us have only 24 Hours. In 24 Hours we always try hard to work and accomplish goals.
Is this a smart way to work like 8 – 15 Hours per a day, Ha ha..!! 🙂 The smart way is to do the work within office hours and enjoy remaining time. Learn Shell Scripting to automate regular and boring stuff that’s where we get more time to do something new and also can spend time with family.
Now Happy Administrator, Happy Family..!! you want to go here. Start learning shell scripting now.
Shell Scripting course
Course Duration : 15 Hrs
Shell Scripting Course Content :-
Unix-Shell Scripting
- History of Linux / Unix
- Features of Linux / Unix
- Flavors of Linux / Unix
- Comparison of Linux with Windows
- Architecture of Linux
- Linux / UNIX File System
Different types of Files
- Regular Files and file types
- Directory Files
- Device Files
Basic Commands
- pwd command
- logname
- who command
- finger command
- Date command
- Cal Command
See this 25 Basic Linux commands
Creating Users & Groups
- Adding groups, Adding members to groups and deleting groups
- User Management adding and removing users
System startup and Shutdown process
- Runlevels, Halting and shutdown Servers
- Different Run levels / Targets
- Different date and time formats
Working with files
- Creating files using cat touch and redirect
- Copy and Move files and directories cp, mv
- Remove / Delete files / Directories
Working with Directories
- Creating Directories mkdir, cd, rmdir, rm –r
Standard Input and Output
- Standard Output Redirecting output
- Standard Input – Redirecting Input
Comparing Files
- cmp, diff, comm
Searching files
- find command, locate command, which command
Zip files, archive and compress files
- zip, gunzip and tar
Displaying files
Viewing long files
- pg, more command, head command and tail command
File Permissions
- chmod command, chown command, chgrp command, umask value
Meta/Wild Card-characters
- Class, Anchors
- Repetition, Alteration
- Group, Dot
Regular Expressions & Patterns
- What is pattern
- Usage of regular expression
- Different types of pattern
- Character pattern
- Word pattern
- Line pattern
Tools for Filters
- grep, grep with options
Flat files
- What are delimiters and its types?
- Reading and Writing to files
Tools for column data
Tools for sorting
- Sort by lines, Sort by fields
- Sort with options, uniq command
Changing information in files
- tr command, sed examples
- usage of piping
- piping with filters
- tee command
Communication Tools
- write, wall
- mail, mail with options
Networking protocols
- telnet, ftp
Disk status
- du command, df command with options
Job control
- Foreground jobs, background jobs
- Killing jobs, nohup
Process status
- ps , ps with options and pstree
Editor Vi
- 3 modes explanation
1. Command mode
2. Insert mode
3. Ex command mode
Shell Scripting
- What is shell scripting?
- Importance of shell scripting
- Different types of shells
- Creating shell script
- Making shell scripting executable
Shell input & output
- echo command, print, read
- Backslash character constants
- What is variable
- System defined variables
- Environment files
- User defined variables
- Constant variables
- Local & global variables
- Special variables
- Arithmetic variables
- Relational numeric operators
- Logical operators
- Assignment operators
Conditional statements
- if, if….else
- if, elif
- case
- while, until, for
- break, continue
- File test commands
- String test commands
- exit & sleep commands
- Command line arguments
- Usage of COA
- What is $0, S#, $*, $@, $? , $$
Job scheduling
- cron jobs scheduling
- at
- batch
Thanks for the read, if your interested then contact us