Monitoring RAID controller using Nagios

Monitoring RAID Controller using Nagios

Monitoring RAID controllers in a environment is very important because, if disk failed we will get notified then we can take an immediate preventing action by replacing the failed disk. In this article i am going to share with you guys is how to monitor “3ware Inc 9650SE SATA-II RAID PCIe” controller using Nagios monitoring tool. Monitoring RAID controller using Nagios


  1. RAID Controller card installed.
  2. Install tw_cli rpm
  3. Download a Nagios plugin called check_3ware_raid_1_1
  4. Install and configure NRPE client in remote machine
  5. Required access to both the machines (Nagios Server and Remote machine)

first we have to check RAID installed an server using below command

# lspci -v | grep RAID
08:00.0 RAID bus controller: 3ware Inc 9650SE SATA-II RAID PCIe (rev 01)
Subsystem: 3ware Inc 9650SE SATA-II RAID PCIe

Monitor 3ware Inc 9650SE SATA-II RAID will be using tw_cli

Download and install

# rpm -ivh

Package information

# yum info tw_cli
Name       : tw_cli
Arch       : i386
Version    :
Release    : 7
Size       : 4.0 M
Repo       : installed
Summary    : 3ware Command Line Interface Tool
URL        :
License    : 3ware
Description: tw_cli is a Command Line Interface Storage Management Software for
           : AMCC/3ware ATA RAID Controller(s). It provides controller, logical
           : unit and drive management. tw_cli can be used in both interactive and
           : batch mode, providing higher-level API (Application Programming
           : Interface) functionalities.

Files that are included in the package

# rpm -ql tw_cli

View disk array status using below command after installing the tw_cli rpm

# tw_cli
//hostname> /c0 show

Unit  UnitType  Status         %RCmpl  %V/I/M  Stripe  Size(GB)  Cache  AVrfy
u0    RAID-10   OK             -       -       256K    1862.62   OFF    ON

Port   Status           Unit   Size        Blocks        Serial
p0     OK               u0     931.51 GB   1953525168    WD-WCAW1
p1     OK               u0     931.51 GB   1953525168    WD-WCAW2
p2     OK               u0     931.51 GB   1953525168    WD-WCAW3
p3     OK               u0     931.51 GB   1953525168    WD-WCAW4

Add to Nagios check the RAID aid nrpe and now this script check_3ware_raid_1_1

Make the file executable and moved to the folder

# chmod +x check_3ware_raid_1_1
# mv check_3ware_raid_1_1 /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_raid

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins for 32-bit systems
/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins” for 64-bit systems

check the script by manually running from Nagios whether it is properly working are not.

# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_raid
RAID OK: All arrays OK [1 array checked on 1 controller]

Now connect to remote machine and copy the script to “/usr/local/nagios/libexec/” directory as default path. If you changed your installation path then copy the script accordingly.

open your nrpe configuration file

# vi /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg


# vi /usr/local/nagios/nrpe.cfg

add below line to the line

command[check_raid]=sudo /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_raid

Restart nrpe Service using below command

# service nrpe restart
Shutting down Nagios NRPE daemon (nrpe):                   [  OK  ]
Starting Nagios NRPE daemon (nrpe):                        [  OK  ]

Check from a user operates nrpe

# ps waux | grep nrpe
nagios 0.0  0.0   5092   884 ?   Ss   0:50  nrpe -c /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg -d

Note: If your environment is not permit to run an scripts using nagios user then add nagios user to sudoers list by editing “vi /etc/sudoers” else script running will fail.

Now go back to your Nagios server terminal and edit existing HOST configuration file “vi /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/REMOTEHOST.cfg” in this case it is TEST.cfg

#vi /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/TEST.cfg
define service{
               use                           generic-service
               host_name                     TEST
               service_description           RAID
               is_volatile                   0
               check_period                  24x7
               max_check_attempts            3
               normal_check_interval         1
               retry_check_interval          1
               contact_groups                admins
               notification_interval         120
               notification_period           24x7
               notification_options          c,r
               check_command                 check_nrpe!check_raid

Save the file and exist.

Reload / Restart your Nagios service using below command.

# service nagios reload  OR # service nagios restart

Now check the result after 5 – 10 minutes in Nagios web console.

Good Luck..!!

Your feedback is most valuable to us……. Monitoring RAID controller using Nagios Monitoring RAID controller using Nagios Monitoring RAID controller using Nagios

Thanks for your wonderful Support and Encouragement

Ankam Ravi Kumar

Working as Linux / Storage Administrator L3. Interested in sharing the knowledge.

3 Responses

  1. vinod says:

    Hi Ravi

    can you tell me this nagios tool can also scan and monitor viruses as well in systems,servers

    • ARK says:

      Nagios tool does not directly have an capability to scan viruses and send an alert, but you can implement an script which should check for virus. the same script you call from nagios so that Nagios will send an alert when your script find any related state. CRITICAL, WARNING, OK.

  2. blank Santosh says:

    Hi ARK,
    I have installed nagios core 4 on fedora 26.
    I want to monitor ESX server.
    Could you please help me with detailed steps as i am new to nagios.

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