Introduction to PC Hardware Components Working Method
Computer is an integral part of your life Now a Days. Where ever you do and whatever you do in most of the situations we use computer to boost our work and get more profits. Not Only as a Personal Computer even in Offices, Schools, Colleges and So many places. This lesson will teach you how to handle your computer. Introduction to PC Hardware Components Working Method.
Introduction to PC Hardware
On this page, I will briefly describe all the computer basics. I will try to cover all the different pieces of computer hardware and shortly describe what they are and what they do. Computers are complex machines but when they are split up into separate components they are much easier to understand. Now a days computers are used in wide range.
Introduction to PC Hardware
Desktop computer cases are the home to all the computer components. Everything including the motherboard, the hard drive, the cd drive, the floppy drive and the power supply go inside a computer case. Computer cases can be different colors and in recent years some have become fancy. Extras, such as front USB have become popular as well
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