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- Ravi Kumar Ankam says:pnp4nagios is not active development, i recommended to use Centos7/RHEL7.
- Partha says:
- johnloi.study says:
- arkit awk scripting cloud clustered data ontap Cluster mode C Mode Computer Hardware computer hardware course computer networking computer Networking course EMC SAN Training Flash Storage Introduction to Linux linux Linux tutorial Nagios nagios installation in RHEL7 nagios monitoring tool NCSA NCSA Certification Netapp Netapp certified Storage Associate Netapp Cluster Mode Netapp Commands Netapp tutorials networking NRPE NSClient++ oncommand system manager oncommand unified manager PC Hardware Redhat Linux Redhat Linux 7 resistive RAM RHCE RHCSA RHEL7 shell scripting Storage virtualization tech tutorial techtutorial Tech Tutorials thegeekstuff ubuntu 14.04 YUM