configuration files have been rolled back to their last known good checkpoint – Nagios XI
configuration files have been rolled back to their last known good checkpoint. We recently come across this below error in Nagios XI after restoring an old backup set.
“An error occurred while attempting to apply your configuration to Nagios Core. Monitoring engine configuration files have been rolled back to their last known good checkpoint.“
Configuration files have been rolled back to their last known good checkpoint
Scenario is our Nagios server file system got corrupted, after server restart we did not able to bring back the server to normal state.
In abnormal situation we had revert back server with old snapshot (since it is a VM)
After that we applied an Nagios previous good known backup set to restore all the configuration settings
After successful restoration we are able to see the hosts, services and contacts contact group and everything, but we are not able to modify anything applying configuration is not taking in place its throwing an error as mentioned above
:: Solution ::
- System Timezone
- PHP Timezone
- Date/time
file /etc/localtime
rm /etc/localtime
Setting the System Timezone
ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/
cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles /etc/localtime
vim /etc/sysconfig/clock
PHP Timezone
vim /etc/php.ini
date.timezone = America/Los_Angeles
service httpd restart
service mysqld restart
/etc/init.d/nagios restart
login to nagios user and create below directory
Create an directory under /usr/local/nagios/var/spool/ path
mkdir checkresults
then verify your Nagios settings
/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
Now go to your web console and modify apply your configuration. Done.!! you will not see error again.
Thanks, Please provide your valuable comments..!!
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