Trace packet data to troubleshoot snapmirror, CIFS and NFS

This packet trace is very useful because it can capture traffic from switched networks. It is most useful when you want to troubleshoot your snapmirror, snapvault, CIFS, NFS and all NAS related protocol issues. Trace packet data to troubleshoot snapmirror netapp, CIFS and NFS.

It will store data in tcpdump format and can be directly viewed with tcpdump viewers.

Before collecting you have to enable the web access to download the trace file to enable

ARK> options httpd.admin.enable
httpd.admin.enable           on
ARK> options httpd.autoindex.enable
httpd.autoindex.enable       off
ARK> options httpd.autoindex.enable on
ARK> options httpd.rootdir /vol/vol0

pktt - Tech tutorials by ARK

collect the pocket trace to file using below command in place of directory path you can also change the path as per your requirements

ARK> pktt start all -d /etc/crash
ns0: started packet trace
lo: started packet trace

Trace packet data to troubleshoot snapmirror Netapp CIFS and NFS

check the packet collection status

ARK> pktt status
ns0: Packet tracing enabled; packets truncated at 1514 bytes.
ns0: Trace buffer utilization = 0% of 1048320 bytes, 39 packets
ns0: 0 bytes written to file /etc/crash/ns0_20150918_231731.trc
ns0: Currently tracing to file /etc/crash/ns0_20150918_231731.trc
ns0: 39 packets seen; 0 packets dropped; 4046 total bytes seen

lo: Packet tracing enabled; packets truncated at 1514 bytes.
lo: Trace buffer utilization = 0% of 1048320 bytes, 45 packets
lo: 0 bytes written to file /etc/crash/lo_20150918_231731.trc
lo: Currently tracing to file /etc/crash/lo_20150918_231731.trc
lo: 45 packets seen; 0 packets dropped; 3069 total bytes seen

stop the packet trace when you done with your collection. When stop your collection it will crate an file with extension .trc

ARK> pktt stop all
Fri Sep 18 23:19:29 IST []: pktt: 102 packets seen, 0 dropped, 13192 bytes written to /etc/crash/ns0_20150918_231731.trc.
ns0: Tracing stopped and packet trace buffers released.
lo: Tracing stopped and packet trace buffers released.
ARK> Fri Sep 18 23:19:29 IST []: pktt: 113 packets seen, 0 dropped, 10365 bytes written to /etc/crash/lo_20150918_231731.trc.

if you want to delete the .trc file

ARK> pktt delete /etc/crash/lo_20150918_231731.trc.

Now download your .trc files from filer using web interface

web interface - Tech Tutorials by ARK


That’s it..!!

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Ravi Kumar Ankam

My Name is ARK. Expert in grasping any new technology, Interested in Sharing the knowledge. Learn more & Earn More

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