Shell Script To Check CPU Utilization In Linux Unix

We have already published Shell script to Monitor CPU Utilization and get an email when it is CRITICAL in Usage Check out Article. Here is an One more Shell Script To Check CPU Utilization in Linux Unix Operating systems and store the values in .out file for future reference.

Below is the script which will collect CPU Utilization and store into file and does not apply any validation

CPU_USAGE=$(top -b -n2 -p 1 | fgrep "Cpu(s)" | tail -1 | awk -F'id,' -v prefix="$prefix" '{ split($1, vs, ","); v=vs[length(vs)]; sub("%", "", v); printf "%s%.1f%%\n", prefix, 100 - v }')
DATE=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:")
echo $CPU_USAGE >> /opt/cpu_usage.out

Above Shell Script Output is below

root@ArkIT-Script:/scripts# sh
root@ArkIT-Script:/scripts# cat /opt/cpu_usage.out
2017-07-11 23:08: CPU: 1.2%
2017-07-11 23:22: CPU: 1.5%

But I am not Ok with above script which does not apply any validation the same script i have modified, can validate and send as an email alert when it is CRITICAL

Shell Script To Check CPU Utilization In Linux Unix

## Collect Real Time CPU Usage
## DATE: 12th July 2017
## Author: Ankam Ravi Kumar
CPU_USAGE=$(top -b -n2 -p 1 | fgrep "Cpu(s)" | tail -1 | awk '{ print $8 }' | cut -c1-2)
if [ $CPU_USAGE -le 10 ]; then
 DATE=$(date "+%F %H:%M:%S")
 echo "CRITICAL $CPU_USAGE1% Idle" >> /opt/cpusage.out
 cat /opt/cpusage.out |tail -5 > /tmp/cpusage.tmp
 mail -s "CPU Utilization of `hostname`" EMAILADDRESS < /tmp/cpusage.tmp
elif [ $CPU_USAGE -ge 10 ] && [ $CPU_USAGE -le 20 ]; then
 DATE=$(date "+%F %H:%M:%S")
 echo "WARNING $CPU_USAGE1% Idle" >> /opt/cpusage.out
 cat /opt/cpusage.out |tail -5 > /tmp/cpusage.tmp
 mail -s "CPU Utilization of `hostname`" EMAILADDRESS < /tmp/cpusage.tmp
 DATE=$(date "+%F %H:%M:%S")
 echo "OK $CPU_USAGE1% Idle" >> /opt/cpusage.out

Create one file using touch command 

# touch

Copy above script and paste in file and run dos2unix filename which will convert from windows format to Unix format to avoid errors while executing shell script

# dos2unix

Note: Before running the CPU Utilization Monitoring Shell script Change EMAILADDRESS

Run the script

root@ArkIT-Script:/scripts# sh
root@ArkIT-Script:/scripts# cat /opt/cpusage.out
OK 2017-07-11 22:58 CPU: id% Idle
OK 2017-07-11 22:59 CPU: 98% Idle
OK 2017-07-11 22:59 CPU: 98% Idle
OK 2017-07-11 23:31:23 CPU: 98% Idle

That’s it about Monitoring CPU Utilization and storing output values for future reference. If you have any issues with this script please add your comment with error details we will try to help you out.

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