Real time CPU Monitoring shell script Get alert when CPU utilization is more

I have published an article previously to monitor CPU utilization See Here Now i am going to publish Real time CPU Monitoring shell script Get alert when CPU Utilization is more. If CPU utilization is high get alert immediately.

What are the distributions you can use these script to monitor real time CPU Utilization.

  1. RHEL
  2. Centos
  3. Fedora
  4. Ubuntu
  5. All Unix and Linux Environments

Real time CPU Monitoring shell script Get alert when CPU utilization is more

## CPU Utilization Monitoring Script
## Author: Ankam Ravi Kumar
## Date: 31st August 2016
## Published Website:

Z=`awk '/\\#define Z/ {print $3}' /usr/include/asm-generic/param.h`
CPUS=`grep ^proc /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l`
NUM1=`cat /proc/stat | awk '/^cpu / {print $5}'`
sleep 1
NUM2=`cat /proc/stat | awk '/^cpu / {print $5}'`
USED=`echo 4 k 100 $NUM2 $NUM1 - $CPUS $Z \\* / 100 \\* - p | dc`

if [ $USED -ge 95 ]; then
echo "CPU Utilization is ${USED}" | mail -s "CPU Utilization is High"
echo "CPU Utilization is Normal"

How to Use CPU Utilization Monitoring Script

Create a file using below command and copy above script paste in below file

# vi
PASTE Script Here###

Then Execute using below methods

First method

# sh

Second method

# ./

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Real time CPU Monitoring shell script Get alert when CPU utilization is more Real time CPU Monitoring shell script Get alert when CPU utilization is more Real time CPU Monitoring shell script Get alert when CPU utilization is more

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