Partial Giveback Cluster Mode NetApp How To Resolve.?

As we know most of the NetApp Cluster Mode operation are Non-Disruptive like moving volume, migrating LIF’s so an.  Manual takeover, giveback will also non-disruptive task. We would like to execute an manual takeover and giveback to verify Cluster switch over and release old snapshots which are marked as busy with NDMP backup. In this article we are going to see how to resolve if you struck in in issue Partial Giveback Cluster Mode NetApp.

Partial Giveback Cluster Mode NetApp Resolution

Before executing manual takeover/giveback you have to know few word’s

  • SFO = Storage Failover
  • CFO = Cluster Failover
  • RDB = Replicated Database

Collect cluster status information before executing takeover

ARK-CLU::> storage failover show-giveback
Node Aggregate Giveback Status
-------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------
 No aggregates to give back
 No aggregates to give back
2 entries were displayed.

ARK-CLU::> storage failover show-takeover
Node Node Status Aggregate Takeover Status
---------- --------------------- -------------- -------------------------------
ARK-CLU01 Takeover not
 - -
ARK-CLU02 Takeover not
 - -
2 entries were displayed.

ARK-CLU::> storage aggregate show -fields ha-policy
aggregate ha-policy
------------------ ---------
Aggr1_SAS_ARK_CLU01 sfo
Aggr1_SATA_ARK_CLU02 sfo
Aggr2_SAS_ARK_CLU01 sfo
root_ARK_CLU01 cfo
root_ARK_CLU02 cfo
5 entries were displayed.

ARK-CLU::> cf status
Node Partner Possible State Description
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
ARK-CLU01 ARK-CLU02 true Connected to ARK-CLU02
ARK-CLU02 ARK-CLU01 true Connected to ARK-CLU01
2 entries were displayed.

if you can see aggregate information on cluster failover (CFO) and storage failover (SFO). If you do manual cluster failover then CFO aggregates will migrate from node to takeover node.

Manual Cluster Failover

ARK-CLU::> storage failover takeover -ofnode ARK-CLU02 -option normal

Warning: A takeover will be initiated. Once the partner node reboots, a giveback will be automatically initiated. Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

Warning: Initiating a takeover while node cannot see some of the partner disks is not recommended. Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

Now cluster Node01 will start takeover of Node02, monitor the progress using below command

ARK-CLU::> storage failover show-takeover

Node takeover is successful. Than wait for node to reboot and ready for giveback

Here i have observed an giveback is not successful

ARKIT-CLU::> storage failover giveback -ofnode ARKIT-CLU01
Info: Run the storage failover show-giveback command to check giveback status.

ARKIT-CLU::> storage failover show
Node Partner Possible State Description 
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
ARKIT-CLU01 ARKIT-CLU02 true Connected to ARKIT-CLU02. Waiting
                                                       for cluster applications to come
                                                       online on the local node.
ARKIT-CLU02 ARKIT-CLU01 true Connected to ARKIT-CLU01, Partial giveback
2 entries were displayed.

ARKIT-CLU::> storage failover show
Node Partner Possible State Description 
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
ARKIT-CLU01 ARKIT-CLU02 true Connected to ARKIT-CLU02
ARKIT-CLU02 ARKIT-CLU01 true Connected to ARKIT-CLU01, Giveback
                                                       of one or more SFO aggregates failed
2 entries were displayed.

Like shown above you can see error “Giveback of one more SFO aggregates failed” Partial giveback, which because Node1 is not ready to giveback resource no votes.

initiate takeover back then re-initiate giveback forcefully

ARKIT-CLU::> storage failover giveback -ofnode ARK-CLU02 -override-vetoes true

above command will not wait for Node1 for lock_manager, just transfer the resource to Node2

Verify the cluster status it’s back to normal

That’s above Partial giveback Cluster Mode NetApp How To Resolve

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