iscsiadm Command Connect & Manage iSCSI – RHEL 7/Centos 7

The iscsiadm utility is a command-line tool allowing discovery and login to iSCSI targets, as well as access and management of the open-iscsi database. iscsiadm command is used to connect and manage iSCSI LUN’s/Disks from SAN storage. Default iscsi port number is 3260, if you specify another port number while configuring iscsi server then use that particular number while iscsi login logout and discovery.

Open-iscsi does not use the term node as defined by the iSCSI RFC, where a node is a single iSCSI initiator or target. Open-iscsi uses the term node to refer to a portal on a target.

For session mode, a session id (sid) is used. The sid of a session can be found by running iscsiadm -m session -P 1. The session id and sysfs path are not currently persistent and is partially determined by when the session is setup.

Note that many of the node and discovery operations require that the iSCSI daemon (iscsid) be running.

iscsiadm command to manage iSCSI disks in RHEL 7

# yum install iscsi-initiator-utils

after installation of required packages you need to verify iscsi daemon services, using below command

systemctl status iscsi.service

You must be run iscsiadm command as root/super user are else it through below error

Arkit:~]$ iscsiadm --mode discoverydb --type sendtargets --portal --discover
iscsiadm: Maybe you are not root?
iscsiadm: Could not lock discovery DB: /var/lock/iscsi/lock.write: Permission denied

Discover targets by querying SAN IP address

below iscsiadm command will discover the mapped LUN’s/Disks from SAN IP address which are ready to use.

[root@TechArkit:~]# iscsiadm --mode discoverydb --type sendtargets --portal --discover


iscsiadm -m discoverydb -t st -p ip:port -I iface0 -I iface2 --discover

You also use above command to specify the multiple interfaces while running discovery query iscsi.

Login target using iscsiadm command

Let’s note discovery output and take the target name from it. Using target-name of remote SAN device to login the iscsi disk (Which means establish the iscsi connection)

iscsiadm --mode node --targetname --portal --login

Login Particular target

iscsiadm -m node -T targetname -p ipaddress -l
/sbin/iscsiadm -m node --loginall=automatic

Using automatic loginall parameters simply login all the targets with specifying particular target name

Logout target using iscsiadm command

you can logout the login target-name using below command, which will disconnect the iscsi disk from portal

iscsiadm –mode node –targetname –portal –logout

logout portal using target name iscsiadm

iscsiadm -m node -T targetname -p ipaddress -u
/sbin/iscsiadm -m node --logoutall=all

Display node records

simply list node records using iscsi mode as node

iscsiadm --mode node

list node records

List detailed information about node

which iscsiadm command provides detailed information about node, including iscsi parameters

iscsiadm --mode node --targetname --portal

Detailed information about node

Display Login session Statistics

This command only works when you have logged in sessions, if there is no iscsi logged in sessions it displays that no session currently

iscsiadm -m node -s -T TargetName -p

logged in session details iscsiadm command

Find iscsi Logged in Sessions

iscsiadm -m session

login sessions

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